Welcome I'm Deacon Ken

Doing all I can to help you grow in your relationship with

I am Deacon Ken Gay; I was ordained a permanent deacon in September of 2016. With the exception of my family, there has never been anything that I have found more rewarding, fulfilling, and meaningful than my role as a deacon. It is my sincere hope and daily prayer that the Holy Spirit will guide me in helping my fellow disciples enhance their prayer lives, grow in understanding of God’s will and know the peace offered through Christ. More clearly stated I pray that the Holy Spirit guides me in doing all that I can to help build the Kingdom of God here on earth. With the hope that we will all be reunited one day in our Father’s Heavenly Kingdom. As a servant of Christ please let me know how I can help you grow closer to Christ. Or welcome you back to our rich Catholic Church.
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My team and I have developed several products to help one grow in holiness. From; prayer apps, to virtue-building journals, to mind-mapping guides to help one grow in holiness. 

Not every parish can afford to give away our materials and not every disciple can afford them on their own. We need your help in making sure that all who want to be fed, can and will be served.

Good Deeds are Seen in Heaven

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Meet Deacon Ken


“May The Peace Of Christ Be With You”

Jesus answered and said to him, “Whoever loves me will keep my word, and my Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our dwelling with him.

Mind Mapping Your Way to Holiness

Holiness is the clear distinction between one from many. To be holy is to be unique, to be set apart from what is common, imperfect, or wicked.

Welcome to QV40, the QV represents the Latin words Quo Vadis, the English  translation is, “Where are you going?” QV40, is an important for me. I strongly believe if we are going to grow in holiness, as Jesus has called us to, we must have a plan and direction to grow in. This unique tool will help the user find their way to increased holiness.

Being Holy is conforming our behavior and our character to that of Christ, resulting in our being recreated as new and different people. Growing in holiness is making an intentional effort to immerse oneself in all things that would make the follower of Christ,  more and more Christ-like, in all of their actions, words, and deeds.

This book is designed to help you grow in Holiness within forty-day periods. A strategy designed to help you grow closer to Christ through a deeper understanding of God’s will and His plan for your life. With the aid of this unique method of “Mind Mapping,” your path to holiness will be clear, and your journey to God’s plan for your life will become achievable over the course of 10 habit-forming days.

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