I think that Jesus was and still is the greatest teacher ever. His method of teaching with parables has successfully taught literally Billions of people all over the world for past 2,000 plus years and His teaching methods still work today.
When Jesus started teaching most of the people that He taught could not read or write. When Jesus would teach, He didn’t have the disciples waiting at the foot of the mountain passing out copies of what He said. He needed to teach people in a way that they would remember what they learned. Jesus used stories or parables to teach many of his lessons.
Even today many church leaders teach God’s laws, but they don’t live them. There was never a time in the 33 years that Jesus was on the earth as a man that He didn’t live and practice the lessons and laws that He taught.
The first virtue of a great teacher is a desire to give, selflessly with a heart of love. The second greatest virtue is a heart of service. Jesus is the greatest role model of living and treating others with a true servant’s heart, He will always be there to help all of us carry our cross.
Whatever is going on in our lives we must always remember to be in conversation with God, through prayer and supplication. Our prayers can be spontaneous, we can recite rote prayers, we can rely on the use of brief simple prayers we just need to be in constant communication with God. Listening to His words so we may follow His will, expressing our fears and concerns so He can guide and comfort us. Lifting up our humble heart, that He may grant our needs.
Even if you are not called to the noble profession of being a teacher in the classroom, you will always have the opportunity and calling to be a teacher of God’s word and His Church. As long as there is one man, woman, or child, you will have the opportunity to be of service. Of being able to lighten the load of another among you.
Remind yourself throughout the rest of today, to put into action and practice those things that Jesus teaches us, and to be of service to strangers, your friends, and your family.